Milf in the restaurant

11 Jan 2014, 18:43 - Category: Milf

There is a really nice ialian restaurant in my vicinity and it is just amazeballs. Their pastas are out of this world and they have a really cool interior design, you really felt like you were in Italy eating a pizza or a canelloni on the Toscan hillside. You could really imagine the warm latin sunlight caressing your cheeks and when you drank that excellent vine they had in store all the time, and served in those big bottles that has vowen things at the bottom of them you were ready to take a long nap and speaks with your hands like the fair citizens of Italy do.

I usually took out my first dates there, it was an excellent date spot cause it was not cheap enough for the girl to complain about it, or take you as a bum, but it was cheap enough to be affordable on a single mans salary. Plus the scenery and the crowd was pretty good too and the services was excellent. So I am there with this pretty little lady when suddenly I saw the events in slow motion like in movies. There was an excellent milf sitting at the other table, who I was eyeballing a little. The waiter was bringing her a new pitcher of water when he tripped and all off the contents fell onto her amazing huge boobs. She was breathing heavily and the water was dripping down her wet body. It was a spectacle to remember!

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