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Chica and I were at a bar when she noticed Lexi was working here. We talked to her a bit, and then her break came and she decided to join us for a drink. That turned into more. After some small talk, Lexi asked us about our sex life. She had a pretty good idea of what we do already, but wanted to get our thoughts on the matter. I told her I didn't really care for it. Chica said that I was too rough and not very sensitive to her needs. She had been looking for a way to spice things up and make them more interesting. She didn't like just having a basic vanilla sex life, but was also not very adventurous. Lexi suggested that we try roleplaying. It was something she had done in the past, and found that it was a great way to get in the mood. Chica thought it was a great idea, so we decided to give it a try. I was a little hesitant, but if Chica was into it, I was willing to give it a shot. I started out by pretending to be a doctor. Chica played along, and acted like she was sick. She lay on the bed, and I pretended to examine her. After a while, she started to feel better, and we moved on to the next scene. I then decided to be a pizza delivery man, and Chica played the part of the sexy customer. We acted out the whole scene, with her ordering the pizza, and me delivering it. She made sure to tip me extra for my good service. I had to admit, it was pretty fun.


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